欧盟生态标签和国际绿色认证 EU Ecolabel& EPD

EU Ecolabel& EPD ensure sustainable recovery during COVID-19 crisis
 EU Ecolabel欧盟生态标签
 The official European Union voluntary label for environmental excellence guiding consumers towards sustainable goods and services. This reliable environmental label is used to identify   environmentally-friendly products and services.
 标准:ISO 14024+ 产品标准EN + 法规指令Regulations/Directives+ 生态判定标准Eco Criteria
 29 product groups, around 72,000 products and services, from baby clothes to electrical appliances, carry the EU environmental label, known as the EU Ecolabel.
 目的:确保市场10-20%高质量产品,实现可循环经济和欧洲2050‘气候中和Climate Neutrality’
 影响自2021年1月起,研究和制定对于没有取得生态标签的产品征收相应的税费Tax would be imposed on non-recyclable products in the EU as of 1 January 2021.EC team + Member States continuously investigate on the possibility to act on tax measures since 2021. 欧盟委员会和成员国自2021年起持续调查可能的税费措施。
EU Ecolabel numbers kept growing also during COVID-19 crisis (21% increasing)…2021 EU awareness raising campaign on EU Ecolabel/EMAS Tourist accommodations
最新:2021年6月开通和完善ECAT数据库方便申请方和持证人查询生态产品和服务EU Ecolabel Catalogue (ECAT) is a public database allowing all stakeholders to quickly find out more information about environmentally friendly high quality products and where you can find them!

ISO 14025 EN 15804+A1国际绿色认证

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products in a credible way.
Verification and approval part through Accreditation bodies and experts. Then submit to National registration (linked to global) for registration and Publication.  制定或识别ISO 14025, EN 15804+A1要求的产品类别规则PCR,进行ISO 14040/44标准LCA评估,符合EPD要求,澳洲认证注册+ 国际认证和注册。
Type III Environmental Declaration (ISO 14025)
依据标准ISO 14025 型环境标识和声明
EPDs cover the full LCA of goods and services 覆盖全面生命周期
B2B: 政府和客户需要对环境的透明和诚信transparent and credible information       B2C: factories to customer protection architects and “green” public buyers (GPP, Green Public Procurement, is now mandatory in various EU countries 建筑师、政府项目如GPP、绿色建筑和采购在欧盟等其它国家强制要求
LEED/Green Star/Green building: 绿色建筑的强制要求
