NCC 建筑法规审核


As with all housing in Australia the Pre-Fabricated housing will be required to meet the requirement of Volume 1 and 2 of the Building Code of Australia (BC) as well at the national plumbing code (WaterMark). 需要满足澳洲NCC建筑规范1, 2, 3,  for the prefab 预制房屋

1) Pre-evaluation 预审

2) 配件认证 The sanitary wares for WaterMark/CE, building materials for AS/NZS, NCC, Europa CPR  

3)  An evaluation report signed by Structural engineer for construction 结构审核 

4) Final evaluation by plumbing/wiring engineers after establishment 最终水路、电路等审核

5) Welding process monitor 焊接现场出货批次评审等

Cost/expense – residential property 例如住宅的成本通常包括

1)       Land Purchase & Acquisition Costs: Land Value, Stamp Duty ($200k=3.2%   +.9% Per $200k), Legal (Lawyer/conveyancing fees)

2)       Finance Costs: Application fee, Establishment fees, Bank valuations, Legal Interest Charges

3)       Professional Fees: Architects, Engineers, Private Certifier/Council, Project Managers, Construction Managers

4 Council Contributions

5 Utility Connection Fees: water, electricity, gas, Darinage, Storm water, Telecommunication

6 Construction Costs

7 Marketing or Selling Costs

8 Insurance

House evaluation .jpg


-        building materials, CE mark 欧盟建筑材料建筑指令(EU) 305/2011CE标识;

ETA if out of CPR (EU) 305/2011非协调标准hEN的建筑材料的ETA技术评审

-        Adaptation for measures of climate change, reducing energy consumption and thereby greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions应对气候变化如温室气体碳排放核查和碳计算、节能指令EPBD

-        sustainable construction taking into account ecological principles and efficient use of resources;


-        Prefab house; 欧盟预制房屋

-        Construction management and project design review; 欧盟建筑管理和项目设计审核

-        Energy performance, environmental impact and safety are increasingly more relevant when choosing construction material and equipment; 欧盟有关建筑和材料的节能、环境和安全

绿色屋顶和外墙、生命周期评价LCA绿色产品、环境声明EPD、人体健康、水足迹技术服务等; 开发可持续创新材料有关废物再生材料、建筑材料的湿热性能hygrothermics:如保温节能材料和节能门窗的开发和检测认证、欧盟官方生态标识Ecolabel

-        Green building materials and green building evaluation欧盟绿色建材和绿色建筑的评估

-        Others 其他研发、检测和认证服务: 欧盟标准的防火测试、欧盟生态标签和生态设计、KEYMARK检测和认证如热泵、电子电气、隔音、化学、工程地质与土工Geology and Geotechnics等。



-        building materials, structural timber; 北美建筑材料和结构木材;

-        sustainable construction taking into account ecological principles and efficient use of resources;


-        Prefab house;  北美预制房屋

-        construction management and project design review; 北美建筑管理和项目设计审核

-        Energy performance, environmental impact and safety are increasingly more relevant when choosing construction material and equipment; 北美有关建筑和材料的节能、环境和安全

-        Green building materials and green building evaluation北美绿色建材和绿色建筑的评估

无标题-- 北美 北美.png