LEED 绿色建筑

环保产品认证EPD(也叫做Ⅲ型环境产品声明)是经由第三方验证的,科学的、可比的、国际认可的,对产品整个生命周期的环境影响综合信息披露。他不对产品进行符合性评价,不比较产品的优劣,而是帮助采购商,消费者更好的了解产品的可持续性和环境影响。以公众的消费选择引导和鼓励企业开发低碳产品技术,向低碳生产模式转变,最终达到减少全球温室气体的效果。EPD是国际标准化组织ISO发布的环境标志之一,欧洲、美国、德国、法国、日本、韩国、中国等几十个国家都相继开展了EPD验证。为促进企业绿色生产,引导消费者绿色消费,环保产品认证EPD(Ⅲ型环境产品声明)在很多国家被使用,ISO14025(EN 15804)系列标准中将环境标志和声明分为三种类型,Ⅰ型(基于定性LCA分析)、Ⅱ型(自我声明)和Ⅲ型(基于定量LCA分析),其中完全基于产品生命周期绿色评价LCA方法的Ⅲ型环境标志,越来越受到各国政府推崇。
     绿色设计即生态设计(Eco-Design) 在产品整个生命周期内,着重考虑产品环境属性(可拆卸性,可回收性、可维护性、可重复利用性等)并将其作为设计目标,在满足环境目标要求的同时,保证产品应有的功能、使用寿命、质量等要求。绿色设计涵盖低碳认证的节能和减排,充分考虑安全、便利、可循环, 即p#分页标题#e#“3R1D”,Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Degradable不仅要减少物质和能源的消耗,减少有害物质的排放,而且要使产品及零部件能够方便的分类回收并再生循环或重新利用。
1)  为采购商建立信心: 65%的建筑师和设计师认为,生命周期评估是评估生产商可持续发展声明的唯一最重要标准。环保产品认证EPD还能帮助采购商符合相关环境规范,如产品碳足迹数据、对酸化影响、水体富营养化、自然资源枯竭及能耗等;
2) 节省制造成本: 某大型制药企业实施绿色设计后,仅包装设计一项减少包装成本,年节省316万元。某缸盖企业,通过绿色设计,增强了产品可靠性、耐用性、可回收;确保其废品率由10%降低到5%。涂料行业某品牌通过制定绿色发展战略,实施绿色设计,有力的提升了企业的形象及美誉度,其品牌产品高出同行30%以上溢价。
3) 走在国际法规的前沿整和企业发展规划:结合制造商的未来发展、设备的投入等,与工厂制定长期和短期的计划比如‘p#分页标题#e#业务与企业发展和应对气候变化协调策略’等应对国际相关前沿标准要求比如ISO14060、ISO14040、ISO 14044、ISO 14001、ISO 14050、ISO 14020、ISO 14025、ISO 20400、EN 15804 适用系列协调标准或条款制定产品生命周期绿色评价LCA完成绿色EPD认证等, 避免新设计的生产线或者新采购设备滞后标准要求,造成碳排放和节能的国际滞后而产生的损失,赢得国家“一带一路”绿色发展战略中的优势地位。
The Value of an EPD
Having an EPD currently shows that your company is an early mover in the market and demonstrates that your company has a genuine commitment to environmental responsibility and transparency. EPDs are used to quantify and communicate the environmental credentials of an organization’s product or services to business customers and consumers. EPDs are popular for construction-based products and the use of products with EPDs is recognized and rewarded in rating schemes such as Green Star (buildings) in Australia and New Zealand and IS (infrastructure) in Australia.
EPDs are also be developed for almost any product having EPDs for tissue-based products, fabrics and even a train! Internationally EPDs have been published for waste management services, packaging, food and beverages, solar and wind farms and much more. EPDs, and the underpinning Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), are an invaluable tool for companies wishing to identify and address hotspots in the environmental footprint of their products. If your company is ISO 14001 certified the LCA and EPD will greatly assist compliance with the 2017 update to the standard.With the release of ISO 20400 the International Standard for Sustainable Procurement EPDs are increasingly helping business supplying the markets with meeting public and private sustainable procurement and tender requirements.Procurement professionals and building design teams are increasingly conversant in what EPDs are and how they can be used in decision making. They are more frequently being used as a means of quick and easy route to choose between different products and services, to achieve corporate and project objectives and better sustainability outcomes. 
LCA report
An EPD summarizes environmental performance from a life cycle perspective, so a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report must be prepared.  Collecting production and other data for the LCA report is a core activity in the process of creating an EPD.
The LCA report must:
       1) comply with internationally accepted principles for life cycle assessment, LCA, according to the ISO standards 14040 and 14044; and
       2) follow the general purpose of EPDs, the collection of data, methods and assumptions used as advocated in the ISO standard 14025 and
       3) described in the General Programme Instructions; andbe in line with the PCR for the product category of interest.
Sourcing LCA Data- An excellent source of regional lifecycle data is for example (AusLCI). This provides a national, publicly accessible database with authoritative and transparent environmental information on a wide range of Australian products and services.In some cases, specific LCA data does not exist, which can lead to difficulties acquiring data to cover the entire lifecycle of a product or service. EPD Australasia and the International EPD® System allows organisations to use a defined proportion of selected generic data in their LCA calculations. The use of generic data is described in the PCR.Rules for Similar Products and Services- Related products from the same company can be included in the same EPD. Where the data for mandatory impact indicators are lower than ±10%, products may be presented in the same EPD using the impacts of an environmentally representative product. Where mandatory impact indicators are higher than ±10% products may be presented in the same EPD using separate columns or tables.