Saudi Arab SASO 沙特认证
沙特对进口的所有消费产品实施产品符合性认证计划(PCP:Product Conformity Program),该计划的前身为1995年9月起率先执行的国际符合性认证计划(ICCP:International Conformity Certification Program)。2008年起,该计划由沙特标准局(SASO)下属的“实验室和质量控制部”负责,名称也由ICCP改为PCP。自2018年11月07日起,SASO通过Saber电子平台进行产品认证以及CoC shipment 证书注册制度, Saber电子平台和沙特海关互联。Since Nov. 07, 2018, SASO has announced the launch of Saber electronic platform, which aims to register and issue conformity assessment certificates for consumer products before entering the Saudi market. 1)准备出口的产品必须经过相关的测试检验是否符合沙特技术法规;
2)在实验室进行测试, 可根据实际情况,在现场进行测试2)伊斯兰的宗教,法律
差异要求:沙特阿拉伯的額定電壓為AC127V或220V/60Hz,環境溫度熱帶氣候為攝氏40度。2004年1月1日起,不論是分別進口,連同產品一起進口,或是固定於產品上之插頭,均須符合SASO444/1985之標準。在此標準中定義之三種插頭分別是二插腳插頭(類似NEMA 1-15P),三插腳插頭 (類似NEMA5-15P),及三插腳插頭(類似BS 1363)。
The Saudi Arabian Standards Organization, set up in 1972 (1392 AH), has responsibility for determining and enforcing approved standards of services, facilities, utilities and products within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Conformity Assessment Procedures
SASO adopted and applied the following conformity procedures:
1. SASO adopted the international standards series ISO 9001/2000 on Quality Management Systems.
2. The accreditation of Certification bodies regulations has been adopted according to ISO/IEC Guide 61 that the certification bodies are accredited according to ISO/IEC Guide 61 and the international standards relevant to the field of registration.
3. The laboratory accreditation regulation has been approved according to ISO Guide 58 so as to accreditation laboratories meeting the requirements of Saudi standard SASO 17025 (ISO 17025).
Quality Mark Regulations: The Quality Mark regulations is optional and shall be applied on establishments producing products that are conforming to relevant Saudi standards whether these establishments are inside or outside the Kingdom. The bodies wishing to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark are licensed to use it pursuant to the provisions and procedures stipulated in the regulations of the Saudi Quality Mark that complies with ISO/IEC Guides 65 and 28. mong the most essential requirements that should be met in the organization wishing to obtain a license for the use of the quality mark are the following:
4.1 A Saudi standard for the product shall be available.
4.2 The availability of adequate testing capabilities to ensure the continuity of the quality of the product.
4.3 There should be a section responsible for production quality control.
Besides, all products bearing the mark are subject to SASO control, by performing periodical inspection visits to organizations having license to use the Mark, and taking samples from their products to analyse them and check its conformity where the organization pays specified costs to SASO for using the Mark. The license to use the Mark shall be for one year, and it shall be renewable if requested by the organization.
5. Conformity Certificate Regulation: The Conformity Certificate Regulation is optional and applicable to specified consignments of certain products when the organization submits application for obtaining a conformity certificate according to standards pertaining to such product where this regulation may be applied to domestic, exported and imported products. This will help in the implementation of such standards and facilitating the commercial exchange. This certificate is granted for consignment conforming to standards when the following conditions are met:-
5.1 The availability of a standard for the product requiring a certificate.
5.2 The organization shall be officially registered and allowed to deal in matters related to the consignment according to the applicable international rules so that they do not contradict with the Islamic Law and the national security requirements, public health protection, the consumer?s safety, environment protection and preventing fraud and swindling.
5.3 The organization shall provide SASO with any information it requires on the product which is the subject of the certificate.
5.4 The organization shall pay the specified costs and expenses.
6. Since Nov. 07, 2018, SASO has announced the launch of Saber electronic platform, which aims to register and issue conformity assessment certificates for consumer products before entering the Saudi market. Saudi Customs to be linked with Saber e-platform in order to facilitate importation.