GOST R 俄罗斯认证

GOST R认证-俄罗斯国家认证 
电压: 220 V 频率: 50 Hz GOST证书是办理对俄出口商品海关手续和在俄罗斯市场销售时必不可少的文件,俄罗斯市场没有GOST证书产品根本不准上市销售,进口商对领取GOST合格证非常重视。
Ø 俄罗斯GOST证书和卫生证书后,可以在俄设立委托销售或直接销售,价格也会有较大优势;
Ø GOST证书不只是一项通过俄罗斯海关的条件,还有助于公司的产品在俄罗斯市场上打开销路,提升产品价值,为企业开拓俄罗斯市场提供信誉保证。
Ø 许多外国公司在俄罗斯大众传媒或展览会上介绍自己的产品时,常常强调这些产品已通过所必要的认证手续,是因为俄罗斯进口商有充足的选择余地,经过认证的商品他们自然会优先考虑。这会使他们在签合同以前确认产品符合所规定的安全要求,在办海关手续和销售商品时不会有问题。商品没有经过俄罗斯认证往往成为签订外贸合同的重大障碍。
认证机构:俄罗斯标准协会 (GOSSTANDARD)
列入强制认证产品名单的产品上需标示 GOST-R 标志 , 标志下标示出发证单位识别代码 ( 例如 BZ02, BE01 或 AЯ46)  GOST 认证包含 安全和EMC 测试内容
俄罗斯对下列产品同时实行健康安全认证 (Hygienic)
与水或食物接触之产品 (如:厨房电器 , 电冰箱)  
产生 X 射线辐射之产品 (如:电视机 , 显示器)  
产生微波辐射之产品 (如:移动电话 , 无绳电话 , 微波炉)  
产生噪音或震动之产品 (如:复印机 , 空调设备)  
GOST R 证书的种类
1. 批次证书: 证书只对单批出货有效,申请程序简单,发证快
2. 一年证书: 产品需要做完整的测试,证书一年有效,不需要工厂检查
3. 三年证书: 产品需要做完整的测试,证书三年有效,需要工厂检查
Russia GOST R Certification Facts about Russia
Population: 150 million
Capital:    Moscow
Language:  Russia
Currency:   Ruble (RUB)
Voltage:    220 V Frequency:  50 Hz
The Russian certification system is called GOST R and was started in 1993.
As stated previously, a manufacturer who wants to sell his products in Russia must have a GOST R certificate. In principle, the certificate will be valid for three years. Certification is based upon testing at accredited laboratories using GOST R standards. Russian standards are more and more on IEC and ISO standards. The harmonization process is continuously on-going but it will take a lot of time. Manuals must be written in the Russian language.For each certification system, different schemes are applied. These schemes regulate which conformity assessment procedures that shall be used, including forms for follow-up.An ISO 9000 certification by an organization accepted by Gosstandart will in most cases be an advantage and should be mentioned in the application. Gosstandart registers all certificates. The certificate holder  must also buy a number of authorized certificate copies, since all retailers must be able to show a copy upon request. As stated before, a certificate copy for each type must be included in the transport documentation for all shipments into Russia.
There are 22 different certification systems for like products and 6 systems for certification of services in the GOST R system.

According to GOST R 50460-92, all products covered by the mandatory certification requirement shall be affixed to the product. If it is not technically possible to do so, the mark shall be affixed to the package or, as a last alternative, on the accompanying documentation. Audio/video products and IT products must carry certain counterfeit-proof compliance
marks. See Appendix 5 for more information.