Renewable Energy 再生能源

目前欧盟占据70%的可再生能源光伏太阳能、风能市场,其次是美国、日本和中国。据统计2010年全球太阳能发电的总量相当于希腊国家全年用电量的一半,中非10个国家全年总体用电量的总和。根据欧盟2018年可再生能源报告,风能是主要部分。预计到2050年,世界上20%的电力来自太阳能。根据欧盟新能源推广相关指令2009/28/EC,以及2018年12月更新2018/2001/EU指令,2018年欧盟已经实现18%的用电量来源于可再生能源,2020将实现20%, 欧盟计划2030年实现32%,并且2050年实现全部用电量来源于可再生能源。欧盟要求各成员国务必迟于2021年6月30号国内立法贯彻执行这一新的指令。我们可以为客户提供新能源认证标识、欧盟认证、IECEE、IECRE互认等认证服务、以及安装相关的认证。我们的全球专家和地方合作机构可以依据地方标准和法规提供整个应用和布置阶段的评估,例如:现行有效的土木工程、电气、机械、以及与电网的搭配、分布和配置系统等。

The original renewable energy directive (2009/28/EC) establishes an overall policy for the production and promotion of energy from renewable sources in the EU. It requires the EU to fulfil at least 20% of its total energy needs with renewables by 2020 – to be achieved through the attainment of individual national targets. All EU countries must also ensure that at least 10% of their transport fuels come from renewable sources by 2020. In December 2018, the revised renewable energy directive 2018/2001/EU entered into force, as part of the Clean energy for all Europeans package, aimed at keeping the EU a global leader in renewables and, more broadly, helping the EU to meet its emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement. 
In EU by the year 2020, renewable energy sources shall deliver a 20 per cent share of the final energy consumption. As estimated, a share of over 20% of the world electricity demand in 2050 will be achieved. The new directive establishes a new binding renewable energy target for the EU for 2030 of at least 32%, with a clause for a possible upwards revision by 2023. EU aimed that by 2050 renewable energies will completely replace carbon-producing energies. Most of the other new elements in the new directive need to be transposed into national law by Member States by 30 June 2021.   
We can provide certification services Europa, IECEE, IECRE schemes. We can also Assess the grid connection and PV allocation: Grid connection and PV allocation on-site audit are crucial because they give confidence to the investor by guaranteeing that the project will be in high reliability, performance and intended safety under each stage to include civil engineering, electrical or mechanical engineering and the hybrid system in combination with the Public Power grid. Our global auditors and experts in associates can help the clients to provide such services with reference to internal procedure, interacted Directives, local and regional rules etc. 

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