GS Mark

GS = Geprüfte Sicherheit = Tested Safety = 测试安全
§ 始于1977,至今已经40多年,比CE早20多年
§ GS是自愿性标识,CE是强制标识
§ 德国国家标识,同中国的CCC标识,国家认监委授权测试机构
§ 需要符合欧盟法规+ 德国DE国家差异+ 预见性误用
§ 受德国产品安全法GPSG监督
§ 是除CE标识以外,也适用于欧盟其它国家的唯一国家标识
§ 覆盖所有技术场合应用设备以及即插即用的消费品设备  

GS = Geprüfte Sicherheit = Tested Safety  
§ Introduced in 1977 => more than 40 years of history!
§ Familiar to most German consumers, associated with safety & quality
§ Voluntary test mark
§ Demonstrates certified safety for the user and others
§ Awarded by GS bodies accredited by German national authorities
§ Considers safety during intended use and foreseeable misuse governed by the German Product Safety Act (GPSG)  except CE the only legally governed safety mark in Europe (vs. private marks)
§ Possible for technical work equipment and ready-to-use consumer products
The GS mark may only be awarded if the GS body has evidence of compliance of the type specimen tested with the requirements according to Section 4 Subsections 1 to 3 and other statutory regulations with respect to ensuring safety and health by means of a type test and evidence that the conditions are met which must be observed during the manufacture of the technical work equipment and ready-to-use commodities in order to ensure conformity with the type specimen tested.