PSE Diamond 日本电气
日本产品安全认证DENAN 法或PSE法 (Denki Yohin Anzen Ho)
官方 (日本通产省)型式认证T-Mark 从2001年4月1日起已被取消:然而,日本 “电器及材料”类产品生产厂家和进口商在开展业务之前必须向经济通产省(METI)书面通报,这是法律所要求的。通报方通报程序由DENAN法(日本经济通产省)作出规定。 自2018年12月起,PSE认证的产品涵盖457种类。
根據 DENAN 法,必須由日本經濟產業省 (METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) 授權的第三方認證機構進行產品認證,如JET,JQA,COSMOS 。DENAN 法將產品分為兩大類,製造商有義務保存測試結果和證明:
標籤上必需有菱形的 PSE 標誌特殊電氣用品及材料類 (共116項) 必須由授權評估單位 (ACAB) 來執行強制性第三者驗證。 廠商取得符合性證明書後才能貼上菱形 PSE 標誌進口商或製造商須書面通報 METI
標籤上必需有圓形的 PSE 標誌非特殊電氣用品及材料類 (共341項)製造商若根據電安法的安全要求,保證產品之安全結構者,即可自行貼上圓形PSE 標
通报方的法定责任“通报方”=日本电器及材料类产品生产厂家 / 进口商法律规定其必须向METI提交相关交易的书面商务报告。DENAN法未对外国生产厂家作出任何规定。 日本以外国家的生产厂家在DENAN法中没有任何法律的责任。
Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law
All persons engaged in manufacturing or importing electrical appliances in Japan shall notify the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of their name, etc. (A person who made this notification is hereinafter referred to as a “Notifying Supplier”.) Therefore, importers based in Japan shall make such notification when starting their business.For imported electrical appliances, it is the importers which have the obligation to secure the conformity of electrical appliances to the mandatory technical requirements, and which have the right to attach the PSE marks including the name of the importer, once their conformity to the mandatory technical requirements is confirmed.T-Mark is repealed by PSE with effect from 01 April 2004. The PSE Law and its regulations specify mandatory electrical safety and EMI requirements for electrical products sold in Japan. 457 product categories have been designated pursuant to the PSE Law (as of December 2018). Particularly, for "specified electrical appliances", importers shall either undergo third-party conformity assessment for the product they import, and obtain and keep the certificate thereof, or obtain an official copy of “the equivalent of a certificate” through manufacturers of the specified electrical appliances concerned and keep the official copy of the equivalent of a certificate.