Korea Certification 韩国认证

韩国ERI (Korea EMC Research Institute 韩国无线电研究院) 以及 韩国KTL (Korea Testing Laboratory 韩国测试实验室) 均 可 进 行 产 品认证 ,接 受 其 它 公 司 的 CB 报 告、 EMC/EMI 报 告 及 工 厂 审 查 报 告。 韓國政府計畫由 KC Mark 取代所有認證標誌包括MIC mark, eK mark, 韓國國家標準審議委員會在
2008 年8 月20 日的會議上,通過以”KC (Korea Certification)”標誌做為韓國國家標準統一標誌,目前韓國國內現有的13 種認證標誌將統一為KC 標誌,自2009年7 月起,由韓國知識經濟部MKE(Ministry of Knowledge Economy) 率先施行,並預計於2010年底之前擴大實施到所有部門及國營企業。KC 國家標準認證標誌施行之後,既有的13 個法定強制認證標誌將以KC 為統一標誌,同時也將在符合國家標準(ISO/IEC Guide 67)的前提下,將法定強制認證20 種認證審查程序簡化為9種。新 KC 標誌的推行將使企業成為最大的受益者,因為新標誌整合了大部分相似認證標誌,使得每個企業可節省一定的認證費用,而企業申請認證所耗費的時間也將相應縮短,從而使企業有望降低認證的成本負擔,提升產品競爭力。 
KC 認證與現有的EK Mark 認證程序最大差異在於:
1. KC 證書有效期為五年。
2.只有影音設備(Audio and Video equipment )及某些小家電不需執行工廠檢查;屆時將由韓國主管機關對這些獲得KC 認證的產品加強市場抽查檢驗。而電源供應器(Power Supply)是歸屬於韓國驗證產品分類的資訊技術設備(Information Technology Equipment)類別中,因此還是要每年執行一次工廠檢查。 

Regime Overview
To protect consumers from hazards and accidents such as a fire, electric shock or injury, the Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act was enacted in 1974. The listed electrical appliances in the Act rated between AC 50V to 1000V are controlled by the Act. 
KC - Korea Certification
The New Korea Certification scheme has been enforced on
1 January 2009 for all electronic and electrical products. The new KC mark will replace the old eK mark.
Under the new scheme, products are categorized into 3 categories, safety Management System, Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation System (53 items) and
 Supplier's Confirmation of Conformity (SCoC). 
Safety Management System 
- Verify the safety of electrical appliances with product testing and FI
- Perform routine inspection at least once annually to confirm whether the electrical appliances obtained safety certification maintain the safety continuously
- Flowchart 

Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation System (53 items) - Conduct only product testing to verify the safety of the products(Issue a Registration Confirmation Letter)
- Validity Period of Registration for the self-regulatory safety confirmation: 5 years
Exempt from the initial factory inspection and the routine inspection procedures applied to the safety certification system
Supplier's Confirmation of Conformity (SCoC)
- Allow to product and sell their products after ensuring the safety of the products by manufacturers themselves   - Require for manufacturers to keep the documents attesting that the relevant electrical appliances meet the safety standards for 5 years with below flow chart